In Azerbaijan, Lahij is the only village where visitors are greeted in English. A poster erected at the entrance to the village reads: “Welcome to Lahij”. This is a unique, and probably the only place where local and foreign tourists are provided with services throughout the year. At the tourism information bureau near the museum, you can get any information about houses for rent, historical and natural monuments, and tours of the town and hire a guide. There are your opportunities in several directions within the reserve. Tours of the Lahij suburbs are worth joining. There is a beautiful view of the mountains and forest from the Pestar River and Pestar Lake 1,505 meters above sea level. There are also springs and waterfalls along the road. The closet one is 2 km away. Tours within Lahij are the most popular. What can be of interest in the village? Small villages are scattered over mountain slopes all along the road to Lahij. The Landscape of the valley is extremely beautiful. A narrow and curly pathway leads to the village of Gandob.

Lahij State History and Architecture Reserve

The reserve was established in 1980. Ninety-three buildings in 80 hectares of land are protected as historical and cultural monuments. Of these buildings,
71 are residential, while the other 22 are for various purposes. The reserve, which is part of the Shahdagh National Park, is like an outdoor museum. The Lahij museum was established in 1985 in the Agholu mosque, which was built in 1914.

There are old, classic, sta  ndard one-storey Russian houses made of wood. The roof, doors, fences and windows are made of carved wood. The houses have been built in lines. There are wide roads between the lines. The street are also wide. There are wooden benches outside each house. Maize and sunflowers are grown in the yards. The houses are rented out for a night or a month, as there is no hotel in the village.

Check out our Ismayilli & Lahij tour to discover most beautiful villages of Azerbaijan